Thursday, June 29, 2017

Coming Attractions...Sebastian's Spell

Many years ago I wrote a little short story about witches and spellcraft entitled I Put A Spell On You. I wrote it to fit a Pax anthology for my (now defunct) publisher Amber Quill Press.

I loved the idea of second chances, the boy or girl next door romantic trope, and of the natural magic in everyday life—instead of the fictional fantasy take on witchcraft.

No one is magically tossed across a room, or has super power abilities. Nope. This little story was down to earth, closer to Mother Nature, and true magic. Using herbs, candles, and the art of spellcraft to manifest your desires. To call upon and harness the inherent energy of the universe, of the seen and unseen, to aid you in making transformative changes, both big and small.

From besoms (brooms) to mugwort, from magically enhanced cupcakes to candle magic, and of course spellcraft, the story and the others with it in the Pax finaled in a major epublisher convention's award that year.

To say the story is close to my heart is putting it lightly. So I am happy to announce the story, retitled Sebastian's Spell, will be out this July!

It'll be my first release of any kind since Bear's stroke. Readers of I Put A Spell On You may note a few changes I made to this latest version, but for the most part, I wanted to keep that same vibe the original had.

Also no change to one of readers' favorite secondary characters, Pendragon. After all, what is a witch without her cat? :wink:

I hope readers both new and old will enjoy my witchy tale of love.

~ Cass