Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mini Vacation With Mum

Sometimes in life, you just get fed up with everything and have to check out and check in somewhere else for a little break. That's what I did a couple of days ago (May 12 & 13). I took mum with me and we went across the river to the casino riverboat and spent a couple of days eating, gambling, napping, gambling, eating, gambling, and sleeping. Or in mum speak aka code, we went bra shopping. lol.

I only wish I'd had a way to take a picture of her at the crap table. (You aren't allow to take pictures inside the casino gaming areas).

She's been feeling so lousy lately, truly feeling her years, and to see her pull herself up from her motorized wheelchair and lean over the table's cushioned edge and throw those dice—omg, you'd think she was closer to 65 than 85. Her face became so animated, so alive and happy, that I knew it was a special mother-daughter moment. Yes, in my family we often build special moments around gambling. lol.

I can attest that some of the happiest moments in my life were with my family at various sporting events or at casinos. Not sure what that says about me, but it is the truth. Anyway, mum did quite well with the dice (she loves craps) and even hit a very nice slot machine jackpot on the way out to dinner. I did okay, but had the misfortune to lose back over half of what I'd won, but feel fortunate to have at least come out a winner.

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