Friday, September 23, 2011

Where Are the Furry-chested Male Models?

There is a trend I can't stand and it's been going on too damn long! I'm talking about the de-nuded chests of the male romance cover models. OMG! Please, please stop shaving their chests!

I and other women want to run our fingers through sexy chest haired imaginary heroes. Having a little chest hair doesn't make a guy a Neanderthal. I want to see publishers and stock photo companies bring out the man fur. Oh and while you're at it, please stop injecting these poor guys with plasticine. I swear, the last few books I read, the cover model's faces looked like they'd had more plastic surgery and botox than Jocelyn Wildenstein!

Can't men just be men for a while? Please?

Even some of my own book covers sport guys with hairless chests, and while I stand by my stories, I wish the male models used on my covers matched the hairy-chested heroes in my books. Notice the slide flash at the top of my right sidebar and you'll see the lusty, hairy chest of my hero Javier Lopez from my book The Midnight Effect. Now, tell me he's not sexy!

Ooh, yes indeedy, that is what I'm talkin' about! *wink*

So, New York, with book sales dwindling, will you please give this a try? Give us alpha heroes with hair on their chests as well as hair on their heads. Thank you.

Until next time...
~Cass out

1 comment:

Mary Kirkland said...

I agree with you on this one.