Tuesday, November 10, 2015

NaNoWriMo I Can't Quit You.

Every time I participate, I tell myself I will finish NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and every year I fall short. Something always comes up without fail, to derail me. This year I set a goal once more and told myself it was my year, my time to win the dang thing by finishing my project. And while I feel I got off to a good start, I've had events happen outside my control and have missed the last 3 timed writing sessions I planned to attend.

I may still finish, but with the holidays looming, I'm less than sure it'll actually happen. November is a horrible month to pick for a month long project. I kind of think it should be changed to January or February or even March. Because there are just too many holidays toward the end of the year and most of us are simply too busy and distracted to focus.

What do you think? If you had a say, would you change NaNoWriMo to a different month, and which month would you pick?

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