Saturday, December 20, 2014

If You Loved Master of Crows...

If you loved my friend Grace Draven's book, Master of Crows, she has a short bonus story currently up on Amazon and Smashwords that features the principal characters from MASTER OF CROWS - Silhara and Martise. 

This isn't the sequel to MoC she's working on—just a quickie that takes place after the events in MASTER OF CROWS.  The story was written for a blog event centered around a Christmas theme. 

While she couldn't use a Christmas holiday for the story, she did use a winter festival. 

As guest of honor at a winter festival, Silhara, the Master of Crows, must light sacred fires to honor a deity. Yet the ritual reminds him that the brightest light within him is not the fire of a god but the devotion of one woman. A tale of hope and celebration.

If you'd like to revisit the world and a couple of the characters from MASTER OF CROWS, you can nab a copy of THE LIGHT WITHIN here:



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